Purchase a 1/4, 1/2 or Whole Beef

If you are interested in reserving your 1/4, 1/2 or whole beef please Contact Us. We will get back to you as soon as possible!

This is the MOST AFFORDABLE way to feed your family Quality, locally grown Angus Beef!! Don't need this much? Split it with someone!

*You do get to customize your cuts when purchasing a 1/2 or Whole Beef!

Target live weight for steers and heifers will be 1,100-1,400 lbs. Roughly, this would result in approximately 700-800 lbs hanging weight. Beef is currently $3.75/lb  hanging weight payable to Ogden Ranch. We will be increasing to $4.00/lb on the hanging weight in May 2025. A $500 deposit on whole or half & $250 on a quarter is required to reserve beef(balance due when we deliver animal to processor). Additionally, a processing fee of .85/lb (hanging weight) plus share of $68 kill fee and $35 USDA fee is to be paid to Key's Butcher Shop in Van Buren, AR when you pick up your beef. Historically, yield(pounds of meat you take home) is 55% of the hanging weight. So, roughly, beef will come out to around $900-$1100 per 1/4, $1800-$2200 per 1/2, $3500-$4000 per whole. These estimates are including processing fees.

*Typically, our beef hangs and is aged for 14- 21 days

*Cut & packaged per customer request on half or whole. Vacuum Sealed in Clear Packaging,

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Hi! Our next pick up is scheduled for Wednesday, June 26 from 5:00-6:00 pm. If you need to place an order and/or get on our 1/4, 1/2 or whole schedule (we have openings as early as next month) please text Tracy at 479-738-7267. Thanks!

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